Showing posts with label Life History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life History. Show all posts

Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years. One of the earliest defining human traits, bipedalism -- the ability to walk on two legs -- evolved over 4 million years ago.

Primates have evolved over time.

Around 65 million years ago, the very first primates emerged in North America. Eventually, they made their way to Eurasia and thrived. Some of these primates then ventured into Africa, becoming the ancestors of both modern apes and humans. Roughly 35 million years ago, the first Old World monkeys made their appearance. During the Miocene period, evidence of a hominoid called Oreopithecus was discovered in coal beds in Italy. Between 8 and 6 million years ago, chimpanzees and gorillas branched off, leading to the lineage that eventually gave rise to humans. The Australopithecus genus, which conquered the continent, played a significant role. There were numerous species within this genus, well-adapted for climbing and bearing a striking resemblance to modern monkeys. However, the Australopithecus genus only lasted for a span of 2 million years before becoming completely extinct.

The initial Homo Genus.

Many species in the genus Homo have evolved throughout the history of humankind. The earliest known species, Homo habilis, emerged less than 3 million years ago. Despite having a brain size similar to chimpanzees, Homo habilis was the first tool-using species. Interestingly, its frontal cortex, responsible for complex planning and cognitive functions, was already showing signs of development. Homo erectus, which appeared around 1.5 million years ago, was the first species to use complex tools. However, it is not the direct ancestor of modern humans. Our lineage can be traced back to Archaic Homo sapiens, who lived between 400,000 and 250,000 years ago, originating in Africa and eventually spreading out to replace other hominin species.

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A long time ago Earth was a very different place. Millions of years of constant change led to the world we know and live in today. Trying to observe that past world, so different and yet so similar to ours, seems attractive itself, however, it has an additional value. Learning about the history of life.

Body fossil of a dinosaur

Paleontology- the Study of the Past Life

The term paleontology refers to the study of life that existed before the current geological epoch- The Holocene. This discipline takes on topics like the physiology, evolution and relations of past organisms. It also studies the inorganic past of Earth. All of that makes it an interesting combination of historical and experimental science. It also relates a lot to biology and geology, often using tools from even more sciences. The most commonly known method used by paleontologists is probably analyzing fossil record. Fossils are all kinds of traces and remains of organisms from before our age. Body fossil is usually the remains of hard tissues. They are quite rare because of all the processes that can occur to them during such a long time (imagine lying in the dirt for at least 11,700 years!) Trace fossils, on the other hand, are just a sign of biological activity, like foot traces.

Geology In Studying the History of Life

Geology, despite being the study of non-living forms, contributes a lot to studying the history of life. Firstly, geology studies the structure of Earth, and beneath, uncovering layers of very old material. Then, it also provides information on age of said material, and determines its history. Therefore it enables the organization of timelines and gives information about the history of Earth. Methods used by geologist include work in the field, collecting the material, and then analyzing it using tools from chemical engineering, physical experiments and simulations. All that provides major evidence for a history of life. Geologists also work on understanding past climate changes and its causes, for example, a connection between plate tectonics and the Cambrian explosion.

The Geological Time Scale


Other Tools in Studying the History of Life

History of life is a complicated matter, so we can expect that studying it will require many different methods. Despite discussed paleontology and geology, there are a few more quite important fields. We can suspect that there will be some biology involved, the same goes for evolution studies. However, that is far from what we need. Paleoanthropology and archaeology include the study of evolution, behavior of humans. Biogeography helps with finding patterns in the adaptation of organisms. Ecology helps to describe the relations between species in the environment. Taxonomy makes it possible to place them in genetical relations with each other. Including all of the important fields would take much more time and space, but that is not what we are going for. Scientific disciplines are all connected. If we want to discuss the history of life, we need to include various disciplines, and find the connections between them.

The Geological Time Scale

Combining solutions from different fields helped with creating a geological time scale (GTS). It shows the current view on development of life on Earth. We will use it to navigate through the series. Before analyzing it, let’s get familiar with basic time units. Eon is equal to a billion years. Eons are divided to eras, which do not have a fixed number of years, but their division focuses on similarities of life forms. Lastly, periods are subdivisions of eras, their length depends on a system of dating analysis. There are four eons. Hadean starts with the formation of Earth, and ends with the beginning of life. Archaean involves the formation of continent and ends with raising the amount of oxygen. In Proterozoic first eukaryotes and multicellular forms appeared. Lastly, there is Paleozoic, started by the Cambrian explosion, divided into 6 eras, and that is the eon we live in.

Author’s Message

I hope you the first article from the History of Life series gave you the basic information you need for a good start. If you enjoyed it, please share with family and friends. 


Life on Earth started over 3.5 billion years ago. Since then, it has gone through a long and intricate journey to become what it is today. The History of Life Post consists of 26 articles that will guide you through the different stages of life's evolution on our planet.

This article examines four different eras to explore the significant events that have shaped life on our planet. Beginning with the period when Earth was devoid of life, it then delves into the emergence of single-celled organisms, mass extinctions, the rise of mammals, and ultimately the advent of humans. The History of Life On Earth is a comprehensive article that provides insights into both the past and present life on our planet.

Long ago, Earth was completely different. Countless years of continuous change shaped the world we currently inhabit. It is intriguing to explore the past world, which was both distinct and similar to ours. Moreover, studying the history of life holds great significance.