The Human Cosmos a Secret History of The Stars


Humans have always had a deep bond with the stars. They have shaped our beliefs, power systems, scientific advancements, and even our physical selves. However, in the past few hundred years, we have grown apart from the immense cosmos surrounding us. This disconnection carries significant implications. "The Human Cosmos" delves into this voyage: from ancient cave drawings to sailors relying on stars for guidance; from monks contemplating time to Einstein's revolutionary breakthroughs. It highlights the significance of reestablishing our connection with the universe, comprehending its influence on our overall well-being, and embracing its capacity to motivate and enlighten us.
About Author

Jo Marchant is a science and history journalist. She has a BSc in genetics from Leicester University and a PhD in microbiology. She is the author of several books, including Decoding the Heavens, which explores the Antikythera mechanism, The Shadow King: The Bizarre Afterlife of King Tut's Mummy, and Cure: A Journey Into the Science of Mind Over Body (shortlisted for the Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize 2016). Jo Marchant has also worked as an editor for the science journal Nature and as an opinion editor at New Scientist magazine in London. She has contributed to publications such as The Guardian and The Economist.


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