The unveiling of these four new species highlights the unparalleled diversity found in nature.

Extensive research over the years may lead us to believe that we have a comprehensive understanding of life on Earth, particularly its fundamental forms. Nevertheless, nature continues to conceal numerous mysteries, even within the realm of known species. A prime illustration of this is when researchers unveiled 71 previously unknown species across five continents and three oceans just a few years back. This serves as a reminder that there is still much to uncover when it comes to the diversity of life on our planet.

Ocean Plastic

In 2014, a group of researchers delved deep into the depths of the Marianas Trench, reaching an astonishing depth of 11,034 meters. It was during this exploration that they stumbled upon a remarkable discovery - a previously unknown species residing 6,900 meters below the ocean's surface. However, what they found was disheartening. The small crustacean they encountered had been significantly impacted by human activities, to the point where it contained traces of plastic within its body.

Among the findings, scientists came across a microfiber that bore a striking resemblance of 80% to PET, a material commonly used in the production of water bottles and various other everyday items. In light of this disconcerting revelation, the research team decided to christen the newfound species as Eurythenes plasticus, with the intention of raising awareness about the dire consequences of plastic pollution. Despite the grim situation, there remains a glimmer of hope that some individuals of this species have managed to avoid contamination, or that a reduction in plastic pollution could potentially aid in their recovery.

Recent research has revealed that what was once thought to be a single species of red panda is actually two distinct species.

 At the start of the year, it was discovered that what was once considered an endangered species actually consists of two distinct species. Scientists had long suspected this, but it wasn't until they found genetic evidence that their suspicions were confirmed. Red pandas can be found in the forests of China, India, Nepal, and Bhutan, but unfortunately, their population is dwindling each year.
Red Panda

Pandas are in need of improved protection as they have limited genetic diversity, a concern that has been highlighted by a recent discovery. The Chinese panda is distinguishable by its redder and striped fur, while the Himalayan panda has a brighter face. The reason for these differences can be traced back to the separation of the two species around 250 thousand years ago due to a river. Interestingly, red pandas are the sole species in their family, which currently consists of only two members.

 American Mammals  

In 2013, researchers stumbled upon an intriguing find - the first carnivore species to be discovered in the Americas in over three decades. This two-pound mammal, with its distinctive large eyes and brown-orange fur, calls the lush forests of Ecuador and Colombia home. Surprisingly, it held the title of the most recently discovered mammal for a brief period, until it was overshadowed by the adorable red pandas.

 The Dark Fungi

 Animals are not the only newly discovered species out there. The findings that scientists have made are just as captivating. Back in 2010, after extensive research, scientists uncovered a variety of fungi species that illuminate forests across the world. They managed to identify seven new species, which increased the count of glowing mushroom species to a total of 71. These newly discovered species emit a vibrant green-yellow glow consistently in Central (Jamaica) and South America (Brazil).


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