Extensive research over the years may lead us to believe that we have a comprehensive understanding of life on Earth, particularly its fundamental forms. Nevertheless, nature continues to conceal numerous mysteries, even within the realm of known species. A prime illustration of this is when researchers unveiled 71 previously unknown species across five continents and three oceans just a few years back. This serves as a reminder that there is still much to uncover when it comes to the diversity of life on our planet.

Ocean Plastic

In 2014, a group of researchers delved deep into the depths of the Marianas Trench, reaching an astonishing depth of 11,034 meters. It was during this exploration that they stumbled upon a remarkable discovery - a previously unknown species residing 6,900 meters below the ocean's surface. However, what they found was disheartening. The small crustacean they encountered had been significantly impacted by human activities, to the point where it contained traces of plastic within its body.

Among the findings, scientists came across a microfiber that bore a striking resemblance of 80% to PET, a material commonly used in the production of water bottles and various other everyday items. In light of this disconcerting revelation, the research team decided to christen the newfound species as Eurythenes plasticus, with the intention of raising awareness about the dire consequences of plastic pollution. Despite the grim situation, there remains a glimmer of hope that some individuals of this species have managed to avoid contamination, or that a reduction in plastic pollution could potentially aid in their recovery.

Recent research has revealed that what was once thought to be a single species of red panda is actually two distinct species.

 At the start of the year, it was discovered that what was once considered an endangered species actually consists of two distinct species. Scientists had long suspected this, but it wasn't until they found genetic evidence that their suspicions were confirmed. Red pandas can be found in the forests of China, India, Nepal, and Bhutan, but unfortunately, their population is dwindling each year.
Red Panda

Pandas are in need of improved protection as they have limited genetic diversity, a concern that has been highlighted by a recent discovery. The Chinese panda is distinguishable by its redder and striped fur, while the Himalayan panda has a brighter face. The reason for these differences can be traced back to the separation of the two species around 250 thousand years ago due to a river. Interestingly, red pandas are the sole species in their family, which currently consists of only two members.

 American Mammals  

In 2013, researchers stumbled upon an intriguing find - the first carnivore species to be discovered in the Americas in over three decades. This two-pound mammal, with its distinctive large eyes and brown-orange fur, calls the lush forests of Ecuador and Colombia home. Surprisingly, it held the title of the most recently discovered mammal for a brief period, until it was overshadowed by the adorable red pandas.

 The Dark Fungi

 Animals are not the only newly discovered species out there. The findings that scientists have made are just as captivating. Back in 2010, after extensive research, scientists uncovered a variety of fungi species that illuminate forests across the world. They managed to identify seven new species, which increased the count of glowing mushroom species to a total of 71. These newly discovered species emit a vibrant green-yellow glow consistently in Central (Jamaica) and South America (Brazil).


What is DNA?

 DNA is like a big book of information that tells the cell what to do. It's like the boss of the cell, controlling everything that happens inside. One important job it has is to tell the cell how to make proteins, which are like little workers that do different tasks. It does this by using a special code that can be turned into specific molecules that the cell needs. Now, let's find out more about how the CEO of the cell works!

The structure of the DNA

                                                             Structure of DNA
DNA, short for deoxyribonucleic acid, might sound like a weird name, but it actually makes sense. In cells called eukaryotic cells (which are most cells that aren't bacteria), DNA takes the form of a double helix, which means it looks like a twisted ladder. This double helix is made up of two strands, and each strand is made of smaller building blocks called nucleotides. These nucleotides are connected to each other and to nucleotides on the opposite strand. The chain of each strand is made up of two important parts - phosphoric acid, which is an inorganic component, and deoxyribose, which is a type of simple sugar. And finally, deoxyribose connects to one of four nitrogenous bases.

 Nitrogenous bases are small molecules that come together to create a genetic code. In DNA, there are four different types: Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Adenine (A), and Thymine (T). We don't need to worry about their detailed structure, but it's important to know that each base can only pair with one other specific base because of how they are shaped. For example, cytosine always connects with guanine, and adenine always pairs with thymine. The type of base determines the type of nucleotide it is a part of. For instance, a nucleotide with adenine is called an adenine nucleotide. To keep things simple, each nucleotide is represented by a letter, which is the first capital letter of its name. The bonds between the bases hold the double helix shape of DNA together. The order of nucleotides on a strand is known as a sequence.

The genetic code

Nucleotides always pair up the same way, like A with T and G with C. If we know the sequence on one side, we can figure out the sequence on the other side. Nucleotides are like a code with four bases, but what does it mean? Well, proteins are made up of 20 different amino acids, and they have a complex structure that can be broken down into a sequence of amino acids.

This is where the genetic code comes in. Three nucleotides make up a codon, which represents one amino acid. Cells can decode this information to create the amino acid chain needed to make a specific protein. The genetic code chart helps us decode the code easily (each three-letter sequence represents a different amino acid, and stop codons tell the cell to stop decoding). You don't have to memorize everything; just use the chart when you need it.

                                                                  The Genetic Code

Characteristic of Genetic Code

  • The genetic code is the set of rules by which a linear sequence of nucleotides specifies the linear sequence of a polypeptide.
  • That is, they specify how the nucleotide sequence of an mRNA is translated into the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.
  • Thus, the relationship between the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA and the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide is the genetic code.
  • The nucleotide sequence is read as triplets called codons.
Comparison of DNA and RNA

 RNA is a type of molecule that is similar to DNA but has some key differences. It is made of ribose sugar instead of deoxyribose sugar, and it contains uracil (U) instead of thymine (T).

During the process of transcription, DNA strands separate slightly, and an RNA molecule is created that is compatible with one DNA strand and identical to the other.

Once the RNA molecule is properly formed, it can leave the nucleus and travel to other parts of the cell. In the next section, we will learn more about how proteins are made in the cell and how DNA replication occurs.

Humans have always had a deep bond with the stars. They have shaped our beliefs, power systems, scientific advancements, and even our physical selves. However, in the past few hundred years, we have grown apart from the immense cosmos surrounding us. This disconnection carries significant implications. "The Human Cosmos" delves into this voyage: from ancient cave drawings to sailors relying on stars for guidance; from monks contemplating time to Einstein's revolutionary breakthroughs. It highlights the significance of reestablishing our connection with the universe, comprehending its influence on our overall well-being, and embracing its capacity to motivate and enlighten us.
About Author

Jo Marchant is a science and history journalist. She has a BSc in genetics from Leicester University and a PhD in microbiology. She is the author of several books, including Decoding the Heavens, which explores the Antikythera mechanism, The Shadow King: The Bizarre Afterlife of King Tut's Mummy, and Cure: A Journey Into the Science of Mind Over Body (shortlisted for the Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize 2016). Jo Marchant has also worked as an editor for the science journal Nature and as an opinion editor at New Scientist magazine in London. She has contributed to publications such as The Guardian and The Economist.


A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes is a book on theoretical cosmology by English physicist Stephen Hawking. It was first published in 1988. Hawking wrote the book for readers who had no prior knowledge of physics.

In A Brief History of Time, Hawking writes in non-technical terms about the structure, origin, development and eventual fate of the Universe, which is the object of study of astronomy and modern physics. He talks about basic concepts like space and time, basic building blocks that make up the Universe (such as quarks) and the fundamental forces that govern it (such as gravity). He writes about cosmological phenomena such as the Big Bang and black holes. He discusses two major theories, general relativity and quantum mechanics, that modern scientists use to describe the Universe. Finally, he talks about the search for a unifying theory that describes everything in the Universe in a coherent manner.

A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking ; Cosmos Carl Sagan ; The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory Brian ...
A brief history of time by Stephen hawking is the absolute best one to start out with. · The order of time Robert Rovelli this book is simply about time and man ...


Directed by

Daniel Espinosa

Written by

·         Rhett Reese

·         Paul Wernick

Produced by

·         David Ellison

·         Dana Goldberg

·         Bonnie Curtis

·         Julie Lynn


·         Jake Gyllenhaal

·         Ryan Reynolds

·         Rebecca Ferguson

·         Hiroyuki Sanada

·         Ariyon Bakare

·         Olga Dihovichnaya


Seamus McGarvey

Edited by

·         Frances Parker

·         Mary Jo Markey

Music by

Jon Ekstrand


·         Columbia Pictures

·         Skydance

Distributed by

Sony Pictures Releasing

Release dates

·         March 18, 2017 (SXSW)

·         March 24, 2017 (United States)

Running time

104 minutes


United States




$58 million

Box office

$100.5 million

Life is a 2017 American science fiction horror film directed by Daniel Espinosa, written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick and starring an ensemble cast consisting of Jake GyllenhaalRyan ReynoldsRebecca FergusonHiroyuki SanadaAriyon Bakare, and Olga Dihovichnaya. In the film, a six-member crew of the International Space Station uncovers the first evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars. When members of the crew conduct their research, the rapidly evolving life-form proves to be far more intelligent and dangerous than expected.


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A long time ago Earth was a very different place. Millions of years of constant change led to the world we know and live in today. Trying to observe that past world, so different and yet so similar to ours, seems attractive itself, however, it has an additional value. Learning about the history of life.

Body fossil of a dinosaur

Paleontology- the Study of the Past Life

The term paleontology refers to the study of life that existed before the current geological epoch- The Holocene. This discipline takes on topics like the physiology, evolution and relations of past organisms. It also studies the inorganic past of Earth. All of that makes it an interesting combination of historical and experimental science. It also relates a lot to biology and geology, often using tools from even more sciences. The most commonly known method used by paleontologists is probably analyzing fossil record. Fossils are all kinds of traces and remains of organisms from before our age. Body fossil is usually the remains of hard tissues. They are quite rare because of all the processes that can occur to them during such a long time (imagine lying in the dirt for at least 11,700 years!) Trace fossils, on the other hand, are just a sign of biological activity, like foot traces.

Geology In Studying the History of Life

Geology, despite being the study of non-living forms, contributes a lot to studying the history of life. Firstly, geology studies the structure of Earth, and beneath, uncovering layers of very old material. Then, it also provides information on age of said material, and determines its history. Therefore it enables the organization of timelines and gives information about the history of Earth. Methods used by geologist include work in the field, collecting the material, and then analyzing it using tools from chemical engineering, physical experiments and simulations. All that provides major evidence for a history of life. Geologists also work on understanding past climate changes and its causes, for example, a connection between plate tectonics and the Cambrian explosion.

The Geological Time Scale


Other Tools in Studying the History of Life

History of life is a complicated matter, so we can expect that studying it will require many different methods. Despite discussed paleontology and geology, there are a few more quite important fields. We can suspect that there will be some biology involved, the same goes for evolution studies. However, that is far from what we need. Paleoanthropology and archaeology include the study of evolution, behavior of humans. Biogeography helps with finding patterns in the adaptation of organisms. Ecology helps to describe the relations between species in the environment. Taxonomy makes it possible to place them in genetical relations with each other. Including all of the important fields would take much more time and space, but that is not what we are going for. Scientific disciplines are all connected. If we want to discuss the history of life, we need to include various disciplines, and find the connections between them.

The Geological Time Scale

Combining solutions from different fields helped with creating a geological time scale (GTS). It shows the current view on development of life on Earth. We will use it to navigate through the series. Before analyzing it, let’s get familiar with basic time units. Eon is equal to a billion years. Eons are divided to eras, which do not have a fixed number of years, but their division focuses on similarities of life forms. Lastly, periods are subdivisions of eras, their length depends on a system of dating analysis. There are four eons. Hadean starts with the formation of Earth, and ends with the beginning of life. Archaean involves the formation of continent and ends with raising the amount of oxygen. In Proterozoic first eukaryotes and multicellular forms appeared. Lastly, there is Paleozoic, started by the Cambrian explosion, divided into 6 eras, and that is the eon we live in.

Author’s Message

I hope you the first article from the History of Life series gave you the basic information you need for a good start. If you enjoyed it, please share with family and friends. 


Life on Earth started over 3.5 billion years ago. Since then, it has gone through a long and intricate journey to become what it is today. The History of Life Post consists of 26 articles that will guide you through the different stages of life's evolution on our planet.

This article examines four different eras to explore the significant events that have shaped life on our planet. Beginning with the period when Earth was devoid of life, it then delves into the emergence of single-celled organisms, mass extinctions, the rise of mammals, and ultimately the advent of humans. The History of Life On Earth is a comprehensive article that provides insights into both the past and present life on our planet.

Long ago, Earth was completely different. Countless years of continuous change shaped the world we currently inhabit. It is intriguing to explore the past world, which was both distinct and similar to ours. Moreover, studying the history of life holds great significance.